
Contact Mr Hassan Elhassan and Team

A professional headshot of Mr Hassan Elhassan, a renowned Sinus Surgery and ENT specialist, smiling confidently in a formal suit.

Contact us today to discuss your options for septal perforation surgery with Mr Hassan Elhassan, a renowned ENT specialist. Early contact is essential for timely diagnosis and treatment, helping to prevent further complications and improve outcomes.

Mr Hassan offers in-office consultations in London, performing efficient outpatient procedures to minimise disruption to your routine. Whether you’re exploring surgical options or require ongoing care, contacting us for septal perforation treatment ensures you receive personalised care tailored to your needs.

Book your consultation now via video or an in-office visit and begin your journey toward restored nasal health. Our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Contact for an Appointment

Request your appointment, whether virtual or in-person, by completing the form below. Our team will contact you within 48 hours to arrange a suitable date.

Please ensure all required fields are completed.

Note:  In case of an emergency, do not use this form. Seek immediate medical assistance instead.

Our Contact Details


Connect with us:

Opening Hours

Visiting Hours

Monday – Friday

Saturday – Sunday

Our Locations

The London Independent Hospital

London Bridge Hospital

HCA UK at The Shard

Spire London East Hospital

Homerton University Hospital

Secure Your Appointment with Mr. Hassan

Request your appointment, whether virtual or in-person, by completing the form below. 

Our team will reach out to you within 48 hours to arrange a suitable date.

Please fill in all required fields.

Note: In case of an emergency, do not use this form. Instead, seek immediate medical assistance.