Simple Surgery for Septal Perforation

Minimally Invasive Closure for Septal Perforation Treatment, illustrating the precision and focus of the procedure in a clean, clinical setting.

Simple Surgery for Septal Perforation Repair

For patients seeking a less invasive solution to septal perforations, our Minimally Invasive Closure Package offers modern techniques that effectively address small to medium-sized perforations. At, we understand the importance of balancing effective treatment with minimal disruption to your daily life. Our minimally invasive approach provides patients with quicker recovery times, reduced discomfort, and a high success rate in closing septal perforations.

Who Is a Candidate for Minimally Invasive Closure?

This treatment is ideal for patients with small to medium septal perforations who want to avoid traditional surgery. If you experience symptoms such as frequent nosebleeds, crusting, or breathing difficulties, but prefer a solution that involves less downtime and fewer risks, minimally invasive closure could be the right option for you.

How Minimally Invasive Closure Works

Minimally invasive closure focuses on repairing the perforation using advanced techniques that cause minimal trauma to the surrounding tissue. These procedures typically involve smaller incisions, faster recovery times, and less postoperative discomfort compared to traditional surgical methods.

1. Endoscopic Septal Perforation Repair

We use endoscopic repair techniques to close septal perforations with precision. The endoscope—a small, flexible camera—is inserted into the nasal passage, allowing our specialists to visualise the perforation in great detail. This minimally invasive approach ensures that we can accurately close the perforation without the need for large incisions. Endoscopic repair is particularly effective for small to medium perforations, where traditional surgery may be unnecessary.

2. Septal Button Placement

For some patients, septal button placement is an effective option. A septal button is a small device that is inserted to bridge the gap caused by the perforation. This method provides immediate symptom relief by reducing airflow through the hole and preventing the formation of crusts. The septal button is often used as a temporary solution for patients who may not be ready for surgery but require immediate symptom management.

3. Tissue Grafting

In cases where the septal perforation requires additional support, we use tissue grafting techniques. Tissue from another part of your body is carefully grafted to close the perforation and reinforce the septum. Tissue grafting is an effective method for ensuring the long-term stability of the repair and is commonly used in more complex cases where the septum needs extra structural support.

A cozy bedroom featuring a humidifier on the bedside table next to a nasal saline spray. Soft lighting fills the room, and a window with gentle sunlight is visible.

Anaesthesia Options for Your Comfort

At, your comfort during the procedure is our priority. We offer a choice between local anaesthesia and general anaesthesia, depending on your preferences and the complexity of the procedure. Local anaesthesia numbs the treatment area while allowing you to remain awake, whereas general anaesthesia puts you to sleep for the duration of the procedure. Our specialists will discuss these options with you during your consultation to ensure you feel comfortable and confident.

A person wearing a face mask in a city with smoke and pollution in the background, holding up a hand to avoid irritants.

Quick Recovery and Follow-Up Care

Following the surgery, patients typically stay in the hospital overnight for observation and recovery. This allows our medical team to monitor your condition and ensure that the initial healing process goes smoothly. The following day, we’ll provide you with detailed instructions for post-operative care to support your recovery at home.

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Closure

Minimally invasive closure offers several benefits for patients with septal perforations:

  • Less trauma to the tissue: The procedure causes minimal damage to surrounding tissues, resulting in a quicker recovery.
  • Reduced postoperative discomfort: With smaller incisions and advanced techniques, patients experience less pain and discomfort after the procedure.
  • Shorter recovery time: Patients can often return to their normal activities more quickly than with traditional surgery.
  • Highly effective: This technique has a high success rate for small to medium perforations, providing long-term relief from symptoms.

Why Choose Minimally Invasive Closure?

At, we prioritise patient comfort and convenience. Our minimally invasive closure procedures are designed to provide effective results with less disruption to your life. By offering advanced techniques like endoscopic repair and tissue grafting, we ensure that you receive the highest level of care with a focus on faster recovery and long-lasting relief.

Surgical repair is the most effective treatment for large or complex septal perforations. Tur symptoms, improved nasal function, and a significant improvement in your quality of life.


Minimally invasive closure is an ideal solution for patients with small to medium septal perforations who want effective treatment without the need for extensive surgery. With advanced techniques like endoscopic repair and septal button placement, we provide a solution that balances comfort and effectiveness. If you’re looking for a minimally invasive way to repair your septal perforation, book your consultation with Mr Hassan Elhassan at today.

Published by on August 30, 2024

Mr. Hassan Elhassan, an experienced ENT specialist, advising on lifestyle changes for managing nasal septal perforations. His expertise in combining medical treatments with daily care adjustments is highlighted in this article.

Mr Hassan Elhassan is an experienced ENT consultant specialising in treating septal perforations. With expertise in non-surgical and surgical options, he provides tailored patient care, ensuring effective and long-term relief from septal perforation symptoms. His approach is focused on restoring normal nasal function and improving overall quality of life.

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